Musings Of Sourire d’Marie

Meaningful and Multilingual Storytelling of Faith, Travels, Classroom Teaching Chronicles and All Things in Between!



The serenade from the rain whistled 

Across the distant and dry plains 

Watering the thirsty and scorched soil

As the sun began to wave its farewell for the day

The beautiful and elegant lady 

With her hair like a brush of midnight 

Whose smile captivated you from a mile away 

And the clacking of her heels 

Often announcing her trailblazing presence 

Under the sky’s hues that thursday 

On the chilly and stony cement she laid 

Unresponsive as if she had forgotten her name

For a moment it seemed

The shock

The confusion 

The fear 

How could this be?

How did she pass you by?

The questions without answers to this day  

But one day the story shall unfold 

At the long awaited reunion with unwavering hope

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