Musings Of Sourire d’Marie

Meaningful and Multilingual Storytelling of Faith, Travels, Classroom Teaching Chronicles and All Things in Between!

Am I not your Mother?

Growing up, I never understood why some people loved the Blessed Mother so much. I was never close to her but I am sure she was close to me. I was born on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so go figure! When I look back, I can see that people loved her because they had encountered her in their own life; therefore, their relationship was so personal. Let me take a couple of steps back…

A couple months prior to this encounter, I was living in Spain for a couple of months in 2019. While in Europe, I took the opportunity to travel as much as I could which had led me to both Fatima and Lourdes. The Blessed Mother was already tapping me on the shoulder, drawing me towards her so that she may lead me to her Son Jesus. While I was in Lourdes, the cry of my heart had to do particularly with my mother wound which I had been carrying for years now. Looking back I can see how Jesus wanted to use her in the healing of my broken and hurting heart. 

After studying in Spain, I returned back to my home university to complete my degree. Towards the end of the fall semester, my aunt suggested that I consider doing the Consecration to Jesus through Mary in order to follow Jesus more radically. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was embarking on but since I trusted my aunt, I followed her advice. I can now see that it was the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

So for the next 33 days, I spent time in prayer with scripture or another meditation given. Well, on the 20th day, the scripture given was from Luke 2:16-21,45-52 which partially recounts the story of the Holy Family returning to Nazareth from Jerusalem and Jesus staying behind. As I meditated on that scripture, I felt as if Our Lady was saying to me personally: “I have looked for you as much as I have looked for my Son”. In that moment, something began to shift in my heart. She wanted to have a relationship with me and I needed to make room for her to come in as my mother. It did not happen overnight. Years later, I am still getting to know her which is honestly a lifelong process. It is not perfect. It does not come to me naturally. However, one thing that I can say is that I am grateful to have the mom of Jesus be my mama too! and that in itself my dear One, is a healing balm to my heart. 

Mama Mary, pray for us. 

See you in the Eucharist, 


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