Musings Of Sourire d’Marie

Meaningful and Multilingual Storytelling of Faith, Travels, Classroom Teaching Chronicles and All Things in Between!


You have not, for you ask not!: The Nest

At the end of January of 2023, I would not have imagined even in my wildest dream that I would have found myself with no place to live once the summer 2023 would have started. But here I was, after moving to this new place in August 2022,  a new invitation to trust was given to me. 

What should I do and where should I go? Only time would tell!

In the midst of this news, I was discerning moving from the northeast down south. So the question was: should I look for a place here in the northeast or not? The clock was ticking and I had little to no interest in looking for a place here in the northeast. So I began packing my stuff: I gave away or sold what I could. Even my roommate was intrigued to see me packing one day without having my housing secured. However, this was what I had done in the past: I began packing without having a place to live because I wanted to trust the provision of the Lord for me. Anyways, weeks went by and I did not have the clarity I needed so I decided to ask a family member if I could store my things at his house for the duration of my summer vacation time.  So at the end of June, I packed my little Sedan with as much stuff as I could and I headed down South.

During the next couple of weeks that followed, I traveled tremendously, spending time with my family and seeing old friends while meeting new ones along the way. But the question hanging over my head was: where would I be headed after the summer break came to an end?

August came around, I still had no place to live and I had not found a new job. So I decided that I would head back to the Northeast again to begin another annual contract with the same institution which I was dreading. A couple of days before starting work, I found a transition place. However, the commute was too much for me and I did not think that I could last the whole year driving approximately one hour one-way to go to work. I was exhausted with the drive and it took so much time away from my everyday life. 

On September 7th, 2023, my students were taking their ID pictures. As I waited for them to finish, I was talking with one of my colleagues. Long and behold the conversation was about my summer and I shared with her about the housing situation in which I had found myself in. It was quite unusual because I don’t usually share much about my personal life with people I work with. Right then and there, she said to me that she had an apartment and she asked me if I wanted to come and see it. I think I was puzzled. The next day, I went to view the apartment. The following week, I had started moving in the apartment. Just like that, the Lord had done it for me without searching, without a realtor, He had provided for me. 

So my Dear One, what do you lack? What do you desire? What do you want Him to do for you? The Good Shepherd wants to provide for you.  Simply ask and let Him surprise you!

See you in the Eucharist, 


P.S: A special shoutout to my dear intercessor L.B. who has loved me on her knees in intercession believing with me and for me that the Lord is my provider. I love you my dear friend.  

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